Thursday, July 12, 2012

Red as a lobster

Just yesterday morning, my skin was, as you can see, as white as the strap marks on my shoulder. I bought sunscreen today, and went swimming again, with a chorus of "ow, ow, ow" from my pool companions. I don't know many people who live in this little mobile home community, but I think a few more will not forget me! Last night when I went to bed, I was afraid that the sheets would be too irritating to my burn, but I found that the familiar prickle from my childhood was comforting. I slept well, wrapped in absorbed sunshine, and in memories.

I remembered another sunburn; this one the week after being graduated from high school. A group of us rented a house on Ocean Beach, Maryland, and I became the usual scarlet. Maybe the fact that this feels so comforting is that it reminds me that I am still young and foolish.

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