Sunday, July 22, 2012

Another day in LA

Stayed up late last night, and then woke up late this morning. Alwyn and I drove to Orange County - Irvine, I think, where she had a rehearsal and a concert with the Pacific Symphony. During the rehearsal time, I went to the mall, of course - I am in Southern California, after all. It was more like Disneyland than a group of merchants and buyers. Going to the mall is an outing for families, couples, teenagers. The idea of even entering the doors of a store was overwhelming, and since I had three hours to wait for Alwyn to come back and pick me up, I went to a movie! Of the ten or 12 choices, I opted for Ted (somehow Batman has lost its appeal). Ted was silly, cute, fraternity gross, and a love story.  I felt just silly. After the movie I found a comfortable chair to sit in and read until Alwyn came back. (I started reading The Golden Compass, which Roxane mentioned to me. A propos of what, I can't recall now.) Multiple texting back and forth brought us together and we went to the Veggie Grill for a wonderful tempeh supper. 
Then on to the main event, the concert at the Verizon Ampitheater. The program was Broadway show tunes, and featured the Three Phantoms - three singers all of whom have sung the lead in Phantom of the Opera. The music was wonderful, and the entertainers put on a good show. Then an hour or so on freeways back home. It's a heady life.

1 comment:

  1. Can't even imagine wanting to be in LA at this time of year!
