Sunday, July 8, 2012

Chocolate and books

Here's the leftover chocolate pizza!

I may have lost track of what I've read since I last wrote about books. I hope not. 

I've finished The Plug-In Drug. It's aimed at parents with children, particularly young children, but I found it very apt for me. As I'm building a new life, I've used TV for escape - haven't we all, well most of us? Then the set was out for a month, got fixed a month ago, and I've watched only one hour in that month. The idea of losing my mind to the Plug-In Drug is kind of scary, and although I've not yet sold it, I may have a buyer, and I'm about to take the plunge. I think.

I also finished What Was She Thinking - Notes on a Scandal. That was the cosy I was thinking of. I loved it and can't wait to see the movie - which I can still do on my lap top, right? That's not cheating? It's not so cosy, but the characters are wonderful, and I'm sure that Judi Dench, Cate Blanchett, and Bill Nighy (two out of the three are also in the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel) portray them perfectly.

Now I've started The Girl I Left Behind, by Judith Nyes. I'm absolutely mesmerized by her writing of her life in the world of national and international politics, the women's movement, the Viet Nam War.

1 comment:

  1. . . . BUt the recipe for that chocolate pizza!!! Where is that recipe?
