Wednesday, September 26, 2012

GPS v. iPhone v. Me

First iPhone picture! And yes, the picture is sideways. And yes, pictures of dogs taken from above do make their heads look big. And yes, that is a box being used as a coffee table in the upper right. And yes, dogs do look at your sideways when you have a camera in your hand.

I did have a day of electronics challenges. Woke at 5 am, having set three alarms that all when off at the same moment and totally confused me. Picked up Alwyn, and she drove to LAX. I love going to airports! I was all set to drive back the way I came, when the GPS told me to take a road called World Way. Well, that's what the GPS thought it was called, but no. Went through the airport again, and took a guess as to how to get out of it. iPhone is still too new for me to be able to use it reliably, and besides, I should be looking at the road, not at that totally fascinating little blue dot that's me crawling along the blue line that's a road. Back to GPS, whose major advantage is getting me out of whatever confusion I've gotten myself into. I can do no wrong, but I do think I hear it heave a great sigh as it says, "Recalculating." It took me through some less-than-salubrious neighborhoods and then took me through an oil field! I followed its directions faithfully, although I was almost always sure it was wrong. It wasn't, and I got back home quickly - well, 45 minutes, I think - and with no traffic. That's a miracle.

Took a nap to recover. Woke to a phone call from someone in the office who wanted me to call someone about some music. I swear, I did not join the chorus. But I guess around here, asking about the chorus is tantamount to auditioning. So I guess I've joined the chorus. At least through Friday, when there's a 5 o'clock rehearsal (right after Social Hour - remember that free meal?). And through Saturday when there's a performance! There's clearly going to be more to this story.

Took off with iPhone and GPS at quarter to six, to get to a 6 o'clock meeting. GPS doesn't work in the garage, and I somehow managed to turn off the GPSing, and couldn't figure out how to turn it back on! So it was giving me virtual directions. Feels very secure. Meanwhile, the iPhone was giving me directions, if I followed that blue dot carefully, but wasn't telling me the street address - just "Destination on Winona". Sounds like a thriller title.
Finally shook the street number out of one of the devices, and began looking for 3217. Almost got into the Bob Hope Airport; just barely avoided parking in a lot that said "No Audition Parking." Sounds a little unwelcoming to me.

On my way home, I missed a freeway entrance, but why would I take a freeway for a half a mile? I had wondered that on the way there. So city streets it was and very easy, too. More and more I am arriving at places that look vaguely familiar and that always warms my heart.

Have I mentioned that I love being in the city? So exciting, so stimulating!

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