Wednesday, November 7, 2012


In poetry group this morning, we were all to say a word that described our current feelings, or state of being. "Relief" was mentioned four times, "elongated" was the most abstract. My word was "peaceful."

It was a great day today. The poetry group put on a coffee for ourselves and for Poets & Writers, the group that writes the grant for our group and its facilitator. We all read some of our poems, discussed, talked, discussed again. I read three poems that I've written since I joined the group four weeks ago. Poetry is a strange world for me, but I find that it opens inward doors, and allowed me to feel where I've been numb, and to distill and express where I feel. 

Then a brief moment in my apartment, and back down to chorus rehearsal. There's something singularly endearing about our chorus of eight (I did suggest that we do some madrigals!), and our director who talks about her memory loss, but there's no memory loss in her fingers! It's a new experience for my voice and, though I thought - again - that my singing life was over, my voice and I are finding it a lot of fun, and yet another opportunity for growth.

Errands for the next two hours. I got my computer back after less than two hours! So I sit on my familiar couch and write. Went to the library to pick up a book which I could have sworn - entirely erroneously - was ready for me. But no. Grocery store for cat food and dog food and broccoli salad and swiffer duster refills, and an impulse purchase of kitty grass.

Home just in enough time to take Jenny Lind for a walk, and run down to BSAC Players for a two-hour rehearsal. Another singular experience. I laughed a lot. 

And so to sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Why not post a poem or two in your blog? Would love to see them!
