Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Poem

In our poetry group, we were given the assignment to make an anagram of the letters in the word Veteran. I did my best to make it into a poem, and because the last line is important, I made the word plural. I actually wrote the poem in my head, during my off and on sleep last night. Of course today, I can't remember that version, which I recall being somewhat polished than this one. 

Verses write and paeans sing for those who have served.

Each gave part or whole of life with their service.

Terrible it was, and terrible that it is soon forgotten.

Each of them cannot forget, nor must we, but we must

Rage and wail and rage against war,

As we praise the warriors.

Now please be the time for peace and we will

Study war no more.


  1. Thanks for the bit of poetry! Remember the song? "Study War No More?"

    1. Oh, yes! That song kept running through my head as I was writing the poem, so I had to include it.
