Here's what I've done. Spent the afternoon and evening with Ruby on Thursday. First, we came back to my apartment to take Jenny Lind for a walk and as I was showing Ruby around, we stopped at the gym for some exercise. Got Jenny Lind, walked three blocks down to the Wild Carvery for supper. They have a pet friendly patio, and served Jenny Lind her own bowl of water. Then we walked two more blocks down the street (San Fernando Road) to Ben & Jerry's for - of course - ice cream. They even let Jenny Lind come in the shop! I got a new flavor and hits the spot - Chocolate Therapy.
The big activity for Friday was picking Alwyn up at LAX. Daniel, Ruby and I drove to get her about 10pm, as she flew in from Honololu. She has a five-day break in her cruise; I'll take her to the airport at 6am on Wednesday! Imagine me on the LA freeways. Trust me - I cut my driving teeth in Boston.
Then Ruby and I went for a hike in the hills near San Ysidro Ranch. We hiked uphill for about 45 minutes and came to this watering hole. The water, as you can see, is clear as crystal, and perfectly cold to our hot and sweaty faces and feet. There's a larger pool a little farther on, that you can swim in.
Sunday was Brett Banducci's recital for his doctorate in composition and the four of us drove to USC to be there to celebrate Brett, who Alwyn and I have known for 19 years, and to listen to his music. It was very modern, and I know so little about modern music - at least since Stravinsky! - that I was unable to comprehend a lot of it. It was a fascinating concert, thoroughly enjoyable. I've been coming to visit Alwyn for 20 years in southern California, and I've known her friends that long, and watched them as they've developed into fine and active musicians. It felt fitting that Brett's recital occurred just as I moved here. As we walked back to the car, we were escorted across the street by a young man playing a sousaphone! You just had to march.
Then a trip to Trader Joe's, which in Burbank seems not like a big deal, but I'm still in the habit of buying ten of everything, to last me until the next trip to a city that has a Trader Joe's. The closest to me in Murphys was an hour and a half. Here, TJ's is a mere six blocks away. I need only buy a couple of yogurts and a little chocolate and one bistro salad!
Home for a walk with Jenny Lind. Tonight we ran into a street acquaintance, a man in a wheelchair, with a small dog who travels in his basket. The other day, the man offered Jenny Lind a bacon treat, which she declined, and declined again when we got home. Tonight he offered it to her again, with the same response. Then he asked if she liked tennis balls. I said that they were her favorite, as well as her cat's favorite. He gave me two tennis balls. When Jenny Lind and I got into the garage in the basement of my apartment building, I let her off leash and threw the ball for her. She hasn't chased a ball in a long time, and it was a welcome playtime for both of us.
Life is full and rich and stimulating and exciting. I am full of gratitude.
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