Monday, August 20, 2012


It feels late, perhaps because I got up earlier than usual today - thank heavens. I've been sleeping much too much, and missing four hours of each day. Today I missed less, and filled the remaining hours fully. 

I have a moving date! My son Mathew will be coming with a mover friend on the 14th of September, we will get rental truck and fill it with what I'm taking (a whole lot less than what I'm leaving, I vow), drive to Burbank on the 15th, unload and drive back on the 16th. Perhaps faster turn-around than I would like, but it's worth it to have Matt with me. Now I have just about one month to get organized. I will probably write this kind of blog more often, to memorialize my new life. 

So many new faces, places, endeavors. At the Burbank Senior Artists Colony, I could have a class or activity three or four times a day, easily. There's gym, swimming (and aquatic zumba!), anti-aging exercise, chorus, drawing, watercolor, painting and writing classes, movies, lectures, meditation, drum circle and every night at 9 is something called Verva watchers club. That's a mystery. Sounds to me like camp! And I will write about it.

I'm reading one of my free Kindle books through Rarely do I know anything about the book, just what's blurbed, so I choose randomly what strikes my fancy. The book I'm on now is called Drinking Closer to Home, by Jessica Anya-Blau. It's light and funny and a little embarrassing how much I identify. 

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