Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Still reading

Drinking Closer to Home turned out to be a little gem, in spite of my usual embarrassment of the '70's. I couldn't get a solid grasp of the characters. They kept slipping through my fingers and I couldn't hold on to who was whom. It was my first free book from and I would call the site an unqualified success for us Kindle readers.

The other day, I mentioned a book, Look to the Mountain, an historical novel about the area in New Hampshire where I spent my summers. There are two things I need to clarify. First, I said that it was the first grownup book I ever read a whole page of. I got sidetracked, and didn't go on to say that I didn't understand any of what I read, but I recall reading every word - I suppose it would be called "sounding it out." The other thing is that I guessed that the mountain was Moat, because I couldn't remember the name of the mountain that I really think it is. I recalled that name today, as the book was delivered - it just popped into my head - Chocorua. From out farm, directly in view (when the view was "out") was the Presidential Range, running east and west, with Mt. Washington dead center. Facing Mt. Washington, with all the other presidents alongside, to the left is the Sandwich Range. I think of it as running north and south, but that's probably confused childhood directions. 

I will take a minute here to open the envelope the book arrived in, and to find the White Mountain Guide that should tell me the directions of the ranges.  Be right back~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~Okay, I'm back. I couldn't find the White Mountain Guide but maybe I will when I pack my books to move - some of my books. I'm taking very few this time but I will take that, and let you know what I find about the reality - or not - of my geographical memory. I did open the package containing Look to the Mountain, by LeGrand Cannon, Jr., and am foolishly pleased that I finally remember it right - the mountain was Chocorua, but named Conway Mountain in the book. I wonder why he changed the name. Now I need to choose between this book and my newest book, which is titled Dr. Rat and is about, yes, a rat who's a doctor.

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