Tuesday, June 26, 2012

On reading and writing

“There are two motives for reading a book; one, that you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast about it.”
- Bertrand Russell

A third reason that may span Russell's two, is that you can think and talk about it. My reading of late has been of this third sort. 

from The Women's Room: "The idea seemed a great truth..: a space to be and a witness... It was enough, or if not enough, it was all, all that we could do, in the end, for each other." 

This writing in this blogspace, is exactly that - a space to be, and you are my witnesses and I become my own witness, which seems even more important as my age carries me, willy-nilly, toward a sort of internal maturity.

It is enough that I am here, writing, and that we are here, witnessing.

1 comment:

  1. Another wonderful thing about reading authors that are published on paper is that you can argue with them without having to defend yourself! I love reading those books that have pencilled notations in the margins, notations written by folks long since gone. It's a two for one deal!
