Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Tea at BSAC

Today we had tea and an open mike at BSAC (Burbank Senior Artists Colony). I sang, read a poem, read a story and there were four or five others who participated. And an audience of about 15.
Now I am beginning my full time grandmotherly role. I'm spending the night tonight (just went home to put my two to bed) because Alwyn and Dan are leaving at 5am tomorrow. I'll get Ruby to school (I hope!) and then home to walk the dog and have my day until I pick her up after school. We'll bounce back and forth like this for a week, and then Alwyn and Dan will be home and Alwyn and I will fly to the Caribbean for a ten-day cruise. Do you think I have a cruise wardrobe? Hah.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing more fun than shopping for a cruise wardrobe. If you had one, you'd have to replace it anyway, so have fun shopping at all the after-Christmas sales! And have even more fun on the cruise!!!!!!
